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The lipid nanoparticles from mRNA vaccines could be used to sneak into your brain and transfect your brain cells with genes for fluorescent green protein that can make them light-controlled. There’s no way to control exactly which brain cells get transfected though. Ideally they would want certain neurons to all be stimulated together as a group, and another group to be stimulated together and so on in sequential patterns, and each group of neurons that they want to all be stimulated together would express a different color of fluorescent green protein (can be modified to make it yellow or other colors). Flash them in the right sequence and have them enter through your eyeballs. But wouldn’t the light hit the retinas first? I think they would have to stick fiber-optic cables up your brain to stimulate them at those wavelengths, or else make a fluorescent protein that responds to near-infrared or lower wavelengths that can penetrate the skull or the eyeballs at least. I wonder if a neuron expressing a spike protein is stimulated when the spike protein interacts with another protein or chemical or wavelength?

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